adswebsitesprint designbanner ads and animationlogos

Banner Advertisements

Online banners were for several years the main form of advertising used on the web, though they've largely been supplanted by multimedia ads these days. Below are examples of banners I created for various clients, which have run on sites such as the The New York Times, The Washington Post and various National Journal publications. (See the print design section for magazine and other print ads.)

National Environmental Trust
Including banners for the Heritage Forest Campaign and

NET Banners

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Including banners for and LCCR coalition member sites.

LCCR Banners

American Gas Association
Prepared for use on the National Journal website.

AGA Banners

Other Campaigns
Including banners for Judy Diamond Associates, The Electronic Commerce Forum, The Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute, and others.

Various Banners

Flash Animation

Flash animations allow designers to use more complex images and motion while keeping file sizes (and download speeds) low, and can also be used to create online games, quizzes and even entire sites.

This animation was my first (and so far only) attempt at a Flash intro for a site, created in early 2002. Fairly primitive, but cute bunny! These days, I hire Flash experts instead of trying to do it myself.

Flash Animation